A Survey of the U.S.: Course Description (美国概况课程说明)

This course is designed to acquaint the second-year English majors with the facts of history, political system, geography, religion, educational system and other aspects of the United States of America, and brief introduction of another three English-speaking countries—Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

General Topics Covered: (课程主要内容)

1.      emblems of the US

2.      geography of the US

3.      US economy

4.      major cities

5.      social values and social problems

6.      religion in the US

7.      educational system

8.      the Political system

9.      History

(1) Pre-historical period and discovery of the New World

(2) War of Independence

(3) Westward Expansion

(4) Civil War

(5) Monopoly capitalism

(6) US in Two World Wars and period in between (Great Depression and New Deal)

(7) Postwar period—Cold War

(8) Postwar period—events inside America: Civil Rights Movement, Beat Generation, Watergate Scandal

10. Brief introduction of Canada, Australia and New Zealand


Course Length and Credits(课程学习时间和学分)

One term of full-time study. (36 class hours altogether, 2 credits).

Course Objectives(课程目的)

1.      to provide a common body of basic knowledge concerning the UK.

2.      to enhance an understanding of the English culture and an awareness of our own culture.

3.      to cultivate a basic awareness of cross-cultural differences and an appreciation for differences in cultural beliefs and communication practices.

4.      to train an ability to mindfully interact with people from English culture.

5.      to encourage development of a broad international perspective on cultural development as a background for understanding the contemporary world.

6.      to provide a common body of basic knowledge concerning cultural backgrounds, the different social aspects and historical development of the UK, so as to help students to build a solid foundation for their study of British, American, and other Western literatures, languages, and cultural media.


 Methods of Teaching/Learning (教学方法)

The course will consist of lectures and discussions in class, presentation, as well as reading and writing outside of class.


Methods of Assessment  (测试方法)

1.      Timed in-class exam, testing the student’s factual knowledge of the UK.

2.      Write a term paper (or answer an essay question), requiring the student to construct historical arguments which demonstrate both a knowledge of factual material and an ability to reason about a given topic.

3.      An oral presentation on a topic to be agreed with the students.


Weighting  (成绩评定方法)

20%: class attendance, participation and performance in classroom activities, completion of assignments. (Unexcused absence from class will result in a lowering of the final grade.)

80%: final written examination


Textbook: (教材)

Study Guide (to be handed out regularly)


Recommended Readings: (推荐课外阅读书目)





贾玉新,1997,《跨文化交际学》,上海: 上海外语教育出版社





许鲁之编,2001,《新编英美概况》(Understanding the U.S. and the U.K.),大连:青岛海洋大学出版社


Leo Humberman, 1960, We, the People , Monthly Review Press

Peter Broomhead, 1978, Life in Modern America, Longman

Peter Woll et al., 1984, America’s Poitical System, Random House

Phona B. Genzel et al., 1993, Culturally Speaking, Random House

W. Patrick Srauss et al., 1988, Perspectives in American Studies, 上海外语教育出版社



Please feel free to contact me if you have suggestions and criticisms on my lectures, or if you have any worries or problems with your study. My QQ number is: 283904517. My email address is fcxenjoy@yahoo.com.cn.