开学的第一篇文章,献给2016级学习跨文化交际的童鞋们。本文来自Yael Zofi,教授、培训师、作家、咨询顾问,同时现任AIM战略管理公司的首席执行官。她着眼于从跨文化角度给予跨国公司建议,她的常年客户有AT&T, Credit Suisse,JP Morgan Chase, CIGNA, General Electric, Nokia, Pfizer, Philips and Viacom. 这篇文章浅显易懂,也为跨文化交际的初学者提供了明确的学习方向,所谓的tips既是窍门也是目标。今日互动:What do you think is yourtarget of learning intercultural (cross-cultural) communication? 期待留言区的精彩留言!
Tips for Effective Cross Cultural Communication
The global neighborhood is fast becoming a major factorin today’s economic environment, and so organizations must have people at alllevels who can comfortably interact with cultures other than their own. In ourshrinking world, as people from various backgrounds/cultures increasingly worktogether, the need to communicate through a global lens becomes vital. And yet,people are often reluctant to discuss cultural qualities/characteristics. Iremind myself that organizations must adapt to this new age where colleaguesfrom many rich cultures simultaneously compete and collaborate.
At this critical point in time winning or losing depends on how well theirbusinesses function abroad as well as at home, and that entails moldingsuccessful practices to fit new cultures. In doing so, managers are findingthat cultural differences in their virtual teams pose special problems thatwere not anticipated. The good news is that many have developed capabilities toovercome these difficulties that may impede achieving business goals.
Below I’ve summarized the 5 cross cultural solutions that will help you LEARN howto effectively communicate across cultures:
Strategy #1 Listen
Strategy #2 EffectivelyCommunicate
Strategy #3 AvoidAmbiguity
Strategy #4 Respect Differences
Strategy #5 No Judgment
Also, the following tips can help you with cross culturalcommunication:
· Before taking action orletting emotions get the better of you, consider several differentinterpretations of the behavior/situation in question.
· Don’t assume that other peoplethink/behave the way you do. Accept the possibility that whatever occurredcould be an anomaly caused by any number of circumstances (e.g., someone havinga bad day or dealing with personal issues).
· Be aware of your personalbiases (increase your self-awareness).
· Treat people as individualsand not as generalized stereotypes. Refrain from seeing things at the extremessince there are many shades of gray.
· Remain positive. Don’t alwaysassume the worst/negative outcome.
· Avoid making comments suchas, “You don’t understand” or “What’s your problem?” since they may cause theother party to respond defensively.
· When communicating with others,use descriptive and non-evaluative language.
· Be mindful of terms peopleuse to explain themselves and the world around them, as certain terms havedifferent meanings across cultures.
For more information on cross cultural communicationand specific cross cultural solutions, check the 2nd Edition of my CommunicatingThrough a Global Lens booklet.
Regards, Yael Zofi