林敏奋,香港理工大学语言学哲学博士,讲师,香港理工大学人文学院暨香港孔子学院导师,英国文化协会考试部东亚区认证一级雅思教师,美国Intercultural Communication Institute暨北京外国语大学跨文化研究中心首期联合认证跨文化培训师。
博士项目为香港特别行政区政府全额研究奖学基金资助项目,2013-2014,2014-2015,2015-2016学年获颁香港特别行政区政府才艺发展奖学金,2014-2015学年获颁香港特别行政区政府外展体验奖。2011/2012/2013年获全额资助,前往香港城市大学、香港中文大学,韩国外国语大学进行国际生交换计划进修学习,2013年7月获政府奖学金资助,赴美国密歇根大学,进行全球语言学院2013Linguistic Institute的访学项目。2017年至2019年连续三年,作为西安交通大学-香港理工大学的跨校合作项目负责人,成功申请,并获国家教育部“万人计划”项目资助丝绸之路文化史项目。
社会语言学、语用学、 话语分析、网络传播学、文化史
阅读与写作E, 高级英语,语言学,中国文化概论,一带一路国家概况,媒介素养
Discursive construction of personal and social identities by Chinese celebrities on Sina Weibo,(in press).Singapore: Springer.
Facework by Chinese Celebrities on Sina Weibo. In X.Chen.(ed.) PolitenessPhenomena Across Genres in Chinese.2016. Equinox.
Generic Changes in Hong Kong Print Advertisements: The Case of Sing Tao Daily.The Journal of Chinese Sociolinguistics. 2012年1(18). 1-12.
•Person-in-Charge: “Ten Thousand People Scheme” sponsored by Ministry of Education PRC, “Cultural History of Eastern Silk Road.
•Project Leader: “Experiential Teaching and Learning in Newly Renovated Classrooms” Project for FH2C03, 2018/19, Semester 1, funded by Working Grouping on Innovative Learning Spaces, AVPL of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
•Project Leader: “Experiential Teaching and Learning in Newly Renovated Classrooms” Project for FH2C06P, 2017/18, Semester 1, funded by Working Grouping on Innovative Learning Spaces, AVPL of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
•Project Member:Enhancing student learning experience with technology-mediated communication,Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies Departmental Project, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2018/19.
•Project participant: “A 3-Year Plan for Leveraging the New Renovated Theatres and Classrooms to Facilitate Active and Collaborative Learning”, invited as “Faculty Champion” by Education Development Center of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(SFQ score within top 10% in the Faculty)