被称为“科技界春晚”的一年一度苹果秋季新品发布会在Apple Park的乔布斯剧院如期举行。本期节目就让我们盘点一下今年苹果新品吧!

Apple released its new lineup of iPhone: the iPhone 11, the IPhone 11Pro, the IPhone 11Pro Max. Compared to last year, the major upgrades for this year’s new IPhone are the cameras and battery life. Let’s see what they look like!

As we see, IPhone 11 has a new dual-camera system, while IPhone 11 Pro is triple-camera systemthey are telephoto(长焦镜头), wide(广角镜头)and ultra wide(超广角镜头). It is said that it can take fab photos in the dark and, take slow-mo selfies, or slowfies(慢自拍).苹果迎来了Pro版本,IPhone 11 Pro新增的三个摄像头,据说可以在黑暗中也能够拍出难以置信的清晰照片和慢动作自拍,这也被网友戏称为“浴霸三摄”。

The Apple launch event also involves new products such as Apple Watch Series 5, and new IPad with bigger display. So, back to the IPhone. Another major improvement is the battery life—All-day battery life.Hardware and software work together to get the most out of your battery. And thanks to fastcharge capability, you can recharge in less time.

The event is finished. What we really talk about today is the advertisement. The following two pics are Apple advertisement for China mainland, Hong Kong and Tai Wan in China.

分别为大陆版 香港版 台湾版

Then, let’s see the original version on the Apple website.

Different translation versions for different areas in China.

AvaWe can see that although there are some differences in the translations of mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong in China, neither of them has deviated from the central idea to be expressed in the source language.

Here refers to a common basic method of translation: Domestication and Foreignization

Domestication refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers, While foreignization designates the type of translation in which a target text “deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original”


These new advertising copy of Apple's official website adopts the domestication translation method, intentionally injecting a large number of Chinese people's daily idioms to narrow the distance from Chinese users.例如被调侃的“崭崭新”一词,在词义结构上采用了叠字方式,近似于“好好玩”“好好吃”“棒棒哒”,表示多倍肯定跟强化,口语化的表形式十分接地气,但遗憾的是不被部分网友接受目前官网对这条文案已做下架处理

Therefore, the translation is a cultural exchange activity of human beings, closely relating to the intercultural communication and the purpose of serving the target readers . When foreignization is not feasible, the translator should retort to domestication as a supplementary method. The effective combination can serve for balances in both translation and intercultural communication.


从初代IPhone到如今的IPhone 11,每年的苹果发布会都引来全世界的关注,真不愧是“科技界的春晚”!


最近Ellen Show上评论 “so just like us, the phones will be now wider and slower”,纵观IPhone发展史,你们同意Ellen的观点吗?在留言区告诉我们你们的想法哦~

See you next time!